Russian state juridical newspaper   «ej-JURIST»  

Weekly newspaper, В3 size, volume –16 pages.
Circulation 25 000 copies.
People in 89 regions of Russian Federation read this newspaper.
16, Chernyahovskogo street, Moscow, Russian Federation, 125319.
Editorial office: +7 (499) 156-76-56,
Juridical support center: +7 (499) 152-87-71,

«ej-JURIST» - It is a Russian juridical weekly newspaper; its publishes news in legislation, law application practice; its performs analysis of Judiciary practice in different law sectors, answers readers’ questions.
The newspaper is oriented to professional juridical auditory: legalists, judges, lawyers, notaries; it is interesting for businessmen, for companies which have no legalists or HRs in its staff and for accountants, auditors, tax officers, students.
In III and IV quarters new appendixes to the newspaper will be opened: «Professiya Jurist», «Semeyniy advokat», «Jurist pensioneru». Besides, publisher permanently organizes consulting seminars, which allow to discuss actual juridical questions.


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